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Toray's new low-gloss, high-transparency polyester film

May 24, 2024

Toray Plastics, the company's driving force in innovating and helping end users and processors to develop their new business, has brought a new type of versatile coextruded high transparency matting polyester (PET) with a wide range of uses in the industrial and consumer markets. film. The patent-pending new extinction polyester film Lumirror FA5 is processed using Toray's patented nanotechnology, which helps industrial and consumer goods have the desired accurate gloss while maintaining good transparency. The additional value-added FA5 film also meets FDA certification requirements. It seals the food and is easily printed on it, so it has more features and increases its chances of entering a new market.

The ultimate use of various FA5 films is various types of labels, including rough, pressure-sensitive labels and the like for a wide range of durable goods ranging from automobiles to chain saws. FA5 film can also be processed into laminated films and used to produce luggage tags and napkins. It is ideal for commercial and residential interior design applications such as matting products and custom window materials as well as wallpapers. However, the unique FDA certification of Lumirror FA5 film makes it particularly suitable for food packaging, such as the popular dual-ovenable applications. Whether the FA5 film is used in industrial or packaging applications, it is the perfect choice when it is desired to have reduced gloss and good contact transparency.

Eric Bartholomay, product development manager, stated: “Toray’s innovative enthusiasm has created an important new type of highly transparent matt polyester film that meets the requirements of many market processing fields and brings significant development potential to processing manufacturers and end users.”

Design and development of multifunctional FA5 films from Toray Plastics, North Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA, which has a matt polyester surface for pre-bonding inks, so it is easy to accept water based, solvent based, and UV curable Ink. The convenience of printing improves the efficiency of the processing and ensures that the merchandise owner has the correct and attractive colors of the fonts, logos and trademarks.

The new coextruded polyester FA5 film is very good at high speed equipment and easy to process. It has excellent thermal stability and excellent mechanical properties including high strength and dimensional stability. In addition, the tensile strength of the FA5 film is 50% higher than that of a conventional matte-filled polyester film.

Reproduced from: specialchem



Mr. Franz







Dongguan Sunyo Plastic Co。、Ltdは、中国南部の有名な専門メーカーです。プラスチックの装飾的なPETG/PETフィルムとシートの研究、開発、製造、製造に特化しています。会社Sunyoplasticsは、ISO 9001:2015、SGS、GRS、およびREACHの認定を可決しました。 Sunyoplasticsは、高度な機器、主要な生産技術と豊富な生産体験、厳格なテスト機器、完璧なアフターセールスサービスを導入しました。Sunyoplasの装飾材料は、グローバル市場の装飾要件と完全に一致しています。...

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